Why Are My Windshield Wipers Squeaking?

Windshield wiper

What Can You Do About Squeaky Windshield Wipers?

Your car’s windshield wipers are important and allow you to see out of your windshield when it’s raining or snowing outside.  But to some people squeaking windshield wiper blades can sound like nails on a chalkboard. Just because your windshield wiper blades are squeaking doesn’t mean that you need to head to your local auto parts store to buy new ones; sometimes your windshield wipers just need to be cleaned.

So how do you fix squeaky windshield wipers?  Step one, clean your windshield wiper blades to remove any built-up dirt on them.  Step two, apply a lubricant to your wiper blades to help them glide across your windshield better.  If neither of the above solutions calms your squeaky wiper blades you may want to look at buying a new set of wiper blades.

But what is the easiest way to clean your wiper blades?  What’s the best lubricant to apply to wiper blades?    What should you not use to lubricate your wiper blades?  Keep reading to find out.

What Causes Squeaking Windshield Wipers?

1. Dirt Accumulation

One of the main reasons why your windshield wipers can squeak is that dirt can accumulate on them over time.  Once there is a layer of dirt or debris on the rubber blades of your windshield wipers they won’t be able to glide over the surface of your windshield as easily.

When this happens your windshield wipers can start to squeak as they move across your windshield.  The good news is that this problem can be easily fixed by cleaning the rubber blades of your windshield wipers with a microfiber towel.

2. Old Wiper Blades

Most windshield wiper blades are made from some form of rubber (higher-end wiper blades may also contain silicone or graphite) which means that they will be prone to cracking can become brittle as they get older.  As windshield wiper blades crack and become brittle they won’t glide across the surface of your windshield smoothly anymore and can cause the wiper blades to squeak.

Really the only solution to fix old wiper blades is to replace them with new ones.  You can try applying a re-conditioner to the rubber blades but once rubber becomes brittle and cracks you can’t really bring it back to life.

3. Wiper Blades Not Installed Properly

Another reason why your windshield wiper blades could be squeaking is that your windshield wiper blades weren’t installed correctly, to begin with.  Your windshield wipers may be installed upside down or there may be a gap in between your wiper blade and your windshield causing the squeaking noises you are hearing.

If you just installed your wiper blades or just had your wiper blades replaced by someone else then you may want to take a look at them to make sure that they were installed properly.

How To Fix Your Squeaking Windshield Wipers

Now that you know what can cause your windshield wipers to squeak we will now talk about the steps that you can take to keep your windshield wipers from squeaking in the future.

1. Clean Wiper Blades and Windshield

The first step you should take to fixing your windshield wiper blades if they are dirty is to clean them.  You can use good old soap and water to clean your wiper blades or just a damp towel.

One word of caution is that you want to keep in mind that your wiper blades are made of rubber so you don’t want to use anything to clean them that would be harmful to rubber.

2. Apply Rain-X or Wax

If you have new wiper blades or just cleaned your wiper blades and windshield and you are still having issues with your windshield wipers squeaking you may want to apply Rain-X or car wax to your windshield.

Rain-X is meant to help drops of rainwater wick away from the surface of your windshield.  But Rain-X also has the added effect of lubricating your windshield wiper blades, allowing them to glide smoothly over the surface of your windshield.

 One word of caution is that Rain-X is only meant to be used on the exterior glass of a car windshield and windows.  Using Rain-X on the inside of your car windows and windshield will apply a greasy layer of Rain-X that makes things tough to see at night and is hard to remove. If you are interested in checking out the current prices of Rain-X on Amazon click here.

Don’t have any Rain-X and don’t plan to buy any? If you don’t have Rain-X on hand and don’t plan to buy any you can also use any car wax that you may have on hand and apply that to your windshield.  Car wax will have a similar effect of allowing your wiper blades to move smoothly over your windshield and can eliminate any squeaking from them.

3. Install New Wiper Blades

Sometimes the only way to fix squeaking windshield wiper blades is to replace them with new ones.  As windshield wipers get old the rubber blades attached to them can become brittle and crack over time.

You may not inspect your windshield wiper blades to notice that your rubber is cracked and brittle.  However, most people will notice that their wiper blades will start to leave streaks as the slide across their windshield.

If this happens to the wiper blades on your car you should first try inspecting and cleaning your wiper blades. Maybe cleaning your wiper blades will restore them to their former glory.

Once you notice that your wiper blades are cracked and brittle it’s best to just replace them with new ones.  To check out the new wiper blades that I would recommend then check out the list below.

Buying New Windshield Wiper Blades

Wiper blades come in different lengths so you would want to make sure that you pick a set of wiper blades or individual wiper blades that will fit your specific vehicle.  The good news is that Amazon has a tool (link here) that you can use to put in your specific make, model, and year of the vehicle and it will tell you which wiper blades are compatible with your specific vehicle.

Alternatively, you can look up your specific make, model, and year of car online or look through your owners manual to find the length of your windshield wiper blades for your car.

Best Budget Wiper Blades       

These wiper blades Motium come in a set of two for essentially the price of one.  With that said because these are a set of wiper blades, you would definitely want to check to make sure that these are going to fit your specific car before you decide to order them from Amazon (link here).

Best Bang For The Buck Wiper Blades

The best wiper blades for your money are the Rain-X Latitude wiper blades.  These have the added benefit of not only being a wiper blade but also contain a coating designed to repel water that is applied to your windshield upon the use of the wiper blades.   That also means that your windshield wipers will be less likely to squeak as they move across your windshield.

I usually go with Rain-X or Bosch wiper blades because I’ve had good experiences with both and they both seem to last a long time before needing to be replaced.  To check out the current prices on Amazon of these Rain-X windshield wiper blades click here.

Longest Lasting Wiper Blades

If you are willing to pay for a premium to have your wiper blades last a while longer before they need to be replaced you may want to check out the Bosch Icon windshield wiper blades.  They have a unique rubber compound that they say can make the wiper blade have a 40% longer lifespan when compared to similar wiper blades.

Again you should make sure that you buy the correct length of windshield wiper blades for your specific vehicle as different vehicles will use different lengths.  To check out the current prices of these Bosch Icon wiper blades on Amazon click here.

Can Old Windshield Wipers Damage My Windshield?

The short answer is yes, old windshield wipers can damage your windshield if they are not replaced after they have become brittle and cracked.  The rubber blades are designed to provide a cushion between the metal backing of the wiper blade and your windshield.

If the rubber of your wiper blades gets worn down and falls apart eventually there will be no rubber left and the metal wiper blade will come in contact with your windshield.

When this happens the metal wiper blade will etch an arch as it swings back and forth across your windshield.  As you can imagine this is not good for your windshield.

That’s why it’s important to replace your windshield wipers before the rubber blades get so worn down that the metal from with wiper comes in contact with your windshield.

How Much Does It Cost To Replace Windshield Wipers?

The cost to replace your windshield wipers will be mainly determined by the manufacturer of the replacement wiper blades and what level of performance you want from your wiper blades.

You can buy wiper blades that you would only use in the wintertime, but most people buy wiper blades that they would use year-round.

New wiper blade technology is continuously being introduced that promises better wiper blade performance (such as the introduction of graphite and silicone).  You can opt to go with cheap or better performing wiper blades it’s really up to you.

What’s the Best Way to Lubricate/Maintain Windshield Wipers?

If you want to have your windshield wipers last as long as possible you will want to maintain the rubber blades so that they don’t wear out and begin to crack.  The easiest way to maintain your windshield wiper blades is to keep them lubricated that way the rubber remains pliable and doesn’t become brittle.

Since windshield wiper blades are mostly made from rubber you will want to use a lubricant that is safe on rubber. If you have car wax on hand it will work as a lubricant for your wiper blades but you may want to use a lubricant that is specifically designed for rubber.

WD-40 sells a specialized silicone spray specifically designed for rubber, plastic, and vinyl.  To check out the current prices of the WD-40 silicone spray I mentioned click here (link to Amazon).

Related Questions

Why do my brand new wiper blades squeak? New wiper blades can squeak as they slide across your windshield if the rubber blades didn’t have any sort of lubrication applied to them from the factory.

Brand new rubber can be sticky which is the opposite of what you want with wiper blades, you want them to glide across your windshield.

If your new wiper blades are squeaking then I’d recommend applying some sort of lubricant to your wiper blades such as soap and water, car wax, or silicone spray.

Can you use WD-40 on wiper blades? While WD-40 says that WD-40 is safe to use on rubber but WD-40 is a petroleum-based product and petroleum is known to accelerate the wear of rubber.

So I’d caution the use of WD-40 on rubber wiper blades.  Instead, I’d use something that is intended to be used on rubber seals such as a wax or other silicone lubricant.WD-40 does have a specialized silicone spray that is intended to be used on rubber, plastic, and vinyl so I’d recommend using WD-40 silicone spray over regular WD-40 which as I mentioned is a petroleum-based product.

To check out the current prices on Amazon of the WD-40 silicone spray shown above click here.

What causes windshield wipers to chatter? Wiper blades are designed to slide across your windshield to wipe away rainwater as it lands on your windshield.

Windshield wipers will chatter as they bounce up and down against your windshield if they can’t smoothly glide across the surface of your windshield.

The easiest way to keep your windshield wipers from chattering is to keep them clean from debris and make sure that they are lubricated so that they can easily slide across the glass surface of your windshield.

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